Divorce can feel like the absolute end of your life BUT it's only the end of life as you know it.
It doesn't need to be the end of your happiness.
In fact, it can be the beginning of an amazing new chapter in your life.🚀

Here at Linzi Kavanagh Coaching I believe that every single woman deserves to reclaim her power, find peace and fulfilment and create a future that dazzles! 💎
If you want to create that incredible life after divorce then ⚡Dazzle After Divorce⚡my three month 1-1 support programme is what you need.
Here's why........
You'll learn how to let go of past pain, resentment and anger associated with your divorce. Say bye-bye to those late-night chocolate binges whilst stalking him on socials and hello to feeling lighter, brighter and ready to conquer the world without carrying your extra 10 kilos of emotional baggage! 🙈🧳
You'll rebuild your confidence from the ground up using scientific strategies. You'll step into your worth and embrace your unique strengths. You'll no longer need that external validation from dating app likes or hearing your ex got dumped. We're talking confidence that makes you glow from the inside out. 🌟
No more wandering around like a lost puppy! You'll quieten all the noise around you so that you can hear exactly what your heart is telling you and we'll discover the roadmap you need to get you there. 🗺️
You'll develop strong communication skills with yourself and others, leading to healthier relationships and interactions. Say goodbye to awkward co-parenting texts and emails. And goodbye to those sweat moustaches you get right now when you've to enter into a social occasion on your own instead of as part of a couple/ Instead say hello to conversations that flow smoother than a freshly poured glass of wine! 🍷
You'll connect with the woman you are now, not who you used to be! You'll uncover your values, passions and purpose in life. Get ready to rediscover what makes you tick, what lights your fire and what makes you, well, YOU! 💃
You'll learn to make empowered decisions that align with your values and goals. No more flipping a coin or having to text every friend you know for their opinion.💪
Get ready for the ultimate glow up and it's not a new lipstick! During ⚡Dazzle After Divorce⚡you'll undergo the most amazing transformative journey, resulting in a renewed sense of self, a clear vision for your future and most importantly the tools and mindset needed to create the life you desire!
So what are you waiting for....
You absolutely can get over divorce, not only can you survive divorce but you can THRIVE through it.